0% 0 votes, 0 avg 12 Created on decembrie 11, 2023 By cobaltgraphics Drept - Engleza - An I - Sem II - Partial II - Toate 89 Intrebari de tip grila cu raspunsuri simple pentru a verifica cunostintele la Engleza. Toate 89. 1 / 90 a. It’s only the first time I ........ Diana’s lawyer, but I feel as if we’re already friends. a. have met b. meet c. met d. had met 2 / 90 b. The police arrested the person who ... to have committed the crime. a. was alleging b. alleged c. was alleged 3 / 90 c. I would rather spend the rest of my life in jail than confess to a crime I ...... . a. didn’t commited b. don’t commit c. did not commit 4 / 90 d. What is the name of the UK court that deals with less serious crimes, such as theft, traffic offenses, minor assault? a. Crown court b. Magistrates’ court c. First instance court d. Criminal court 5 / 90 e. A ... is a person who enters a building illegally, especially by force, in order to steal a. vandal b. robber c. burglar d. hooligan 6 / 90 f. Police are still busy hunting for clues at the ...... of the crime. a. place b. stage c. venue d. scene 7 / 90 g. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ... you. a. offense b. offend c. offender 8 / 90 h. The police are investigating the matter, and he may face ... charges. a. criminally b. criminal c. criminology d. crime 9 / 90 i. United States marshals and their deputies may carry firearms and may make arrests without warrant for any ... against the United States committed in their presence. a. offend b. offense c. offender 10 / 90 j. The defendant is ... of a range of crimes, from theft to murder. a. charged b. put on trial for c. accused d. claimed 11 / 90 k. While the people ......................... for the verdict, the judge was talking to the defendant about the weather. a. waiting b. are waiting c. were waiting 12 / 90 l. He ........... to 100 hours of community work only because he was at his first offence. a. was sentenced b. sentenced c. have been sentenced 13 / 90 m. U.S. ... are federal law enforcement professionals serving the USMS. a. principals b. marshals c. mareshals 14 / 90 n. In a trial in a criminal court ....................... puts the case and calls the evidence against the defendant. a. the jury b. the prosecution c. the defence 15 / 90 o. The defendant .............. in London since he was born. a. lives b. have lived c. will live d. has lived 16 / 90 p. It’s been a manic mid-summer in Delhi as a ..... wave has overwhelmed the city. a. criminality b. serious c. criminally d. crime 17 / 90 q. ........... crimes are crimes that were begun, but not completed by the suspect. a. Petty b. Serious c. Inchoate d. Violent 18 / 90 r. This man has ............ a terrible crime. a. made b. committed c. done 19 / 90 s. The Minister is the person who is liable to sue and be sued under the ........................... of that statute. a. amount b. supplies c. provisions d. law 20 / 90 t. England, Canada, and the United States are based on a civil law system. a. False b. True 21 / 90 u. The police have to ................... the law, not to take it into their own hands. a. force b. enforce c. break 22 / 90 v. His sentence was by far more severe than everybody ................................................. . a. had expected b. expect c. has expected 23 / 90 w. One of the situations most likely to result in a ............ of law and order is the gathering of a number of people, commonly called in law "an assembly". a. breach b. alteration c. relaxation d. violate 24 / 90 x. Enforcement of the civil law is the responsibility of the individual who has been wronged; thestate’s role is to provide the procedure and the courts necessary to resolve the dispute. a. True b. False 25 / 90 y. I saw you yesterday, while you ................... that famous criminal. a. were defending b. defend c. were defending 26 / 90 z. Criminal law involves prosecution by the government of a person for an act that has been classified as a crime. a. False b. True 27 / 90 aa. Crimes such as vandalism, car crime and ................ are an everyday occurrence in Boldtown. a. burglar b. burglary c. burgle d. burglars 28 / 90 ab. There … … no written English constitution. a. is being b. is been c. is 29 / 90 ac. ............ the jury .................. a verdict? a. Has ... reach b. Have ... reach c. Has ... reached 30 / 90 ad. ...... His Honour Judge Patrick Faud QC … as a Circuit Judge on 15 August 2011? a. Retired... - b. Did ... retired c. Did ... retire 31 / 90 ae. Choose the crime that does NOT involve stealing: a. theft b. embezzlement c. murder d. shoplifting 32 / 90 af. n the sentence "If you ask me, petty crime should be taken more seriously; someone who gets away with shoplifting one day could be committing armed robbery before you know it.", 'petty crime' is: a. a type of crime for which there is no punishment b. only a type of stealing c. a type of crime that occurs in public places d. a type of crime that is not considered serious 33 / 90 ag. In criminal law, the .............. is the main perpetrator (organizer and active committer) of a crime, as distinguished from an "accessory" who helps him/her in some fashion. a. princeps b. principals c. prince d. principal 34 / 90 ah. By the time you reach the Court, he ........................... released on bail. a. will have been b. have been c. has 35 / 90 ai. Two women-diplomats ......... of perjury. a. have accused b. has been accused c. have been accused 36 / 90 aj. As soon as the jury .................. the verdict, the case was dismissed. a. pronounce b. has pronounced c. had pronounced d. pronounces 37 / 90 ak. English statutes … … officially codified. a. never been b. have never been c. has never been 38 / 90 al. Experts cannot agree on the causes of ... behaviour. a. criminology b. crime c. criminally d. criminal 39 / 90 am. The jurors agreed it was a fair decision. a. just b. profitable c. thoughtful 40 / 90 an. In July 1866, the Constitution of Romania, based on the model of the Belgian one, ... . a. was promulgate b. was promulgated c. promulgated 41 / 90 ao. In civil proceedings a claimant sues a defendant in the civil courts. a. True b. False 42 / 90 ap. A person who mugs people is a .... a. muggser b. mugser c. muger d. mugger 43 / 90 aq. Look out! One of the robbers .......................... . a. was shooting b. is going to shoot c. will shooting d. are going to shoot 44 / 90 ar. When the Sunday Trading Act ............. law in 1994 there was protection for those who didn't want to work on Sundays. a. became b. began c. turned d. got 45 / 90 as. The police arrested the person who ... to have committed the crime. a. alleged b. was alleged c. was alleging 46 / 90 at. Last night the police received information that a crime ... near London Bridge. a. committed b. was committed c. has committed 47 / 90 au. English cases ............. on the web. a. also published b. also publish c. are also published 48 / 90 av. He ... of murder tomorrow. a. will be accused b. will accused c. was accused 49 / 90 aw. The defendant was also accused of false book-keeping, tax evasion and ....... negligence. a. criminally b. criminal c. crimes d. crime 50 / 90 ax. A ......... crime is a non-violent crime where the primary motive is typically financial in nature a. black-collar b. red-collar c. white-collar 51 / 90 ay. I was ....... when I was on holiday once; two men pushed me against a wall and took all my money. a. mugged b. burgled c. murdered 52 / 90 az. The leader of the gang ...... just ............ acquitted by the court of justice. a. have...been b. has...been c. was...been 53 / 90 ba. He ................... a solicitor for more than a year now. a. is b. had been c. has been d. was 54 / 90 bb. When … … the defendant’s lawyer? a. did the juror met b. did the juror meet c. the juror met 55 / 90 bc. The decision is important as it could ........... a legal precedent for other similar cases. a. make b. set c. sit d. do 56 / 90 bd. Everything happened exactly as Tom’s lawyer had anticipated. a. expected b. extended c. pointed 57 / 90 be. People drive a lot worse after they ........... alcohol. a. had had b. will have c. have had 58 / 90 bf. The crime of taking things from other people’s pockets is called ... a. pickpocketpick b. pocketpicking c. pocketing d. pickpocketing 59 / 90 bg. .... criminals are usually individuals who are wealthy, highly educated, and socially connected, who secretly steal money from the organization they work for. a. Blue-collar b. Black-collar c. White-collar d. Red-collar 60 / 90 bh. Latin … … the language of legal documents in England after 1066. a. has become b. became c. become 61 / 90 bi. He ............... with trespassing and taken into custody. a. have been charged b. has been charged c. been charged 62 / 90 bj. ‘To be liable for punishment’ means: a. to deserve a form of punishment. b. to be legally obliged or responsible for something and be punished accordingly c. to be suspected of an offence and be punished for it. 63 / 90 bk. I ....................... my solicitor tomorrow; I am changing my will. a. was seeing b. see c. am seeing 64 / 90 bl. Every individual has rights that must never ... . a. take away b. took away c. be taken away 65 / 90 bm. Everybody wondered why he ................. caught red-handed before. a. wouldn’t be b. isn’t c. hadn’t been d. hasn’t been 66 / 90 bn. Last Monday I ... a speeding ticket by the police officer. a. gave b. was c. was given 67 / 90 bo. He ....................... down a street near his home when he was kidnapped. a. walks b. will be walking c. was walking 68 / 90 bp. A criminal ... is a known, official record of having been arrested in the past for committing a crime. a. list b. record c. paper d. charge 69 / 90 bq. Choose the crime that is NOT a violent crime: a. murder b. arson c. embezzlement d. rape 70 / 90 br. ............................ to represent yourself in the trial? a. Are you going b. You are going c. Will you 71 / 90 bs. A(n) ... is someone who has been injured, damaged or killed or has suffered, either becauseof the actions of someone else or because of illness or chance. a. prey b. executioner c. victim 72 / 90 bt. It is the third time he ……………. the law. a. is broken b. broke c. has broken d. had broken 73 / 90 bu. Right now I think I am ....................... . Come and pick me up! a. being followed b. follow c. been followed 74 / 90 bv. There have been several ......... in the area recently, so you should improve your home security. a. break-offs b. break-ins c. break-throughs d. break-ons 75 / 90 bw. In the USA, there are two types of court, .................. , with each state having its own distinctive laws, courts and prisons. a. state b. state and federal c. federal 76 / 90 bx. Someone who commits war crimes is called a ... criminal. a. war b. white-collar c. habitual d. peace 77 / 90 by. Every individual has rights that must never ... . a. took away b. take away c. be taken away 78 / 90 bz. A photofit picture of the wanted man ....................... last week. a. has been issued b. was issued c. was issuing 79 / 90 ca. Civil law deals with the private rights and obligations which arise between individuals. a. False b. True 80 / 90 cb. One of the kidnappers ................ to kill him while they were driving away. a. threatens b. is threatening c. threatened 81 / 90 cc. Who ............. responsible for the journalist’s death? a. was held b. held c. did held 82 / 90 cd. The police said there was no sign of a forced entry even though the house ........... a. was burgled b. burgled c. has been burgled d. had been burgled 83 / 90 ce. For any offense against the United States, the ... may be arrested and imprisoned. a. offender b. offend c. offense 84 / 90 cf. When the police take someone to the police station for questioning, the person has been .... a. judged b. convicted c. arrested d. tried 85 / 90 cg. The ............. is accused of a range of crimes, from theft to murder. a. prosecutor b. prosecution c. defences d. defendant 86 / 90 ch. In the legal phrase "to provide an appropriate penalty for each offense", penalty means: a. loss, suffering, or other unfortunate result of one's own action, error. b. a legal or official punishment, such as a term of imprisonment. c. a handicap awarded against a player or team for illegal play, such as a free shot at goal by the opposing team, loss of points, etc; 87 / 90 ci. ............... is the body of law based on judicial decisions and customs, a. Legislation b. European Community law c. Common law 88 / 90 cj. The witnesses were still being heard when I ............. the court of law. a. had left b. leaved c. leave d. left 89 / 90 ck. A ... is a person who steals money, etc. from other people’s pockets, especially in crowded places. a. shoplifter b. pickpocket c. burglar d. robber 90 / 90 cl. How long ago ................ an appeal? a. made you b. did you make c. did you made Your score isThe average score is 88% 0% Restart quiz 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 4 Created on noiembrie 09, 2023 By cobaltgraphics Drept - Engleza - An I - Sem I - Partial I - Toate 70 Intrebari de tip grila cu raspunsuri simple pentru a verifica cunostintele la Engleza. Toate 70 1 / 70 a. The witnesses were still being heard when I ............. the court of law. a. left b. had left c. leaved d. leave 2 / 70 b. In Scotland, the sheriff ……………. most types of crimes. a. deal with b. is dealing with c. deals with d. is dealing 3 / 70 c. The judge asked, ‘How … … to your office?’ a. did I got b. do I get c. I get d. I do get 4 / 70 d. How many houses ... ... ... in the UK? a. has the Parliament b. do the Parliament has c. does the Parliament have d. does the Parliament has 5 / 70 e. One of the kidnappers ................ to kill him while they were driving away. a. threatened b. threatens c. is threatening 6 / 70 f. Circuit judges usually … … quite near their courts. a. leave b. live c. are living d. are liveing 7 / 70 g. ............ the jury .................. a verdict? a. Has ... reach b. Have ... reach c. Has ... reached d. - ... reached 8 / 70 h. This guide … … information on European Community law. a. is not including b. does not includes c. does not include d. do not include 9 / 70 i. Last Monday a police officer ............ me a speeding ticket. a. give b. gave c. gives d. has given 10 / 70 j. The members of the jury ....... now ................... on the murder case a. is __ deliberating b. are __ deliberating c. were __ deliberating 11 / 70 k. The barrister will see you as soon as he ........ out of the meeting. a. come b. comes c. will come d. came 12 / 70 l. If this lawyer …… the bus, she will be late for the conference. a. will misses b. will miss c. miss d. misses 13 / 70 m. His sentence was by far more severe than everybody ................................................. . a. has expected b. had expected c. expect 14 / 70 n. Everybody wondered why he ................. caught red-handed before. a. wouldn’t be b. hasn’t been c. isn’t d. hadn’t been 15 / 70 o. It’s only the first time I ........ Tom’s solicitor, but I feel as if we’re already friends. a. have met b. met c. meet d. had met 16 / 70 p. The policeman said, ‘I … you now.’ a. am believing b. believes c. believe d. believing 17 / 70 q. If someone is above the law, they ... a. have to obey the law. b. do not have to obey the law. c. are the law. 18 / 70 r. The U.S. Attorney’s office in Rhode Island .......... he has agreed to plead guilty tonine counts of bank robbery. a. had said b. said c. say d. says 19 / 70 s. The US Legislative Branch consists of the Congress which is responsible for ...... . a. interpreting and applying US laws through cases brought before them. b. making the federal laws. c. executing, enforcing, and administering the laws. 20 / 70 t. The coroner .......................... the case right now. a. investigates b. will investigate c. has been investigating d. is investigating 21 / 70 u. Even though judges work for the government, they are not law ... officers. a. enforcer b. enforcement c. enforce d. enforced 22 / 70 v. The leader of the gang ...... just ............ acquitted by the court of justice. a. have...been b. was...been c. has...been 23 / 70 w. In the USA, there are two types of court, ……………… , with each state having itsown distinctive laws, courts and prisons. a. state, private and federal b. federal c. state and federal d. state 24 / 70 x. We ............. English cases on the web. a. also published b. also publish c. are also published d. also publishes 25 / 70 y. Tom’s secretary often … files home at the weekend a. takeing b. takes c. is taking d. take 26 / 70 z. A/An ........ always obeys the law and is considered to be good and honest because of this. a. law-abiding person b. thief c. lawbreaker d. outlaw 27 / 70 aa. I ....................... my solicitor tomorrow; I am changing my will. a. was seeing b. see c. am seeing 28 / 70 ab. It is the third time he ……………. the law. a. has broken b. broke c. had broken d. is broken 29 / 70 ac. After ten hours, the Jury finally reached its …………….: the prisoner was guilty. a. verdict b. point c. sentence 30 / 70 ad. When ................ an appeal? a. did you make b. did you made c. made you d. you made 31 / 70 ae. The homeowner filed a .................... against the moving company that was refusing to be heldresponsible for damaging her furniture. a. trial b. lawsuit c. process 32 / 70 af. I saw you yesterday, while you ................... that famous criminal. a. defend b. defending c. were defending 33 / 70 ag. Once the jury .................. the verdict, the case will be dismissed a. pronounces b. pronounced c. will pronounce d. will have pronounced 34 / 70 ah. ...... His Honour Judge Patrick Faud QC … as a Circuit Judge on 15 August 2011? a. Did ... retire b. Retired... - c. Did ... retired 35 / 70 ai. My lawyer has gone to London for a week, so I ........ some of his work for him. a. doing b. do c. did d. ’m doing 36 / 70 aj. Courts exist to uphold, interpret, and apply the ................ a. lawfulness b. law c. legalese d. legality 37 / 70 ak. Hunting is a/an ............ activity only if you have the proper license. a. unlawful b. lawless c. illegal d. lawful 38 / 70 al. People drive a lot worse after they ........... alcohol. a. has b. have had c. will have d. had had 39 / 70 am. Find me a good lawyer! I ......... risk spending the rest of my life in jail. a. am not wanting to b. do not want c. don’t want to 40 / 70 an. As soon as I .............. from my barrister, I will let you know. a. hear b. will have heard c. will hear d. hears 41 / 70 ao. Terrorists ..... to violence as a political weapon a. always resort b. always resorts c. resort always 42 / 70 ap. This man has ………… a terrible crime. a. done b. executed c. committed d. made 43 / 70 aq. The analogous Westlaw database … … English reports from 1865 to the present. a. contains b. is containing c. contain 44 / 70 ar. Politics in the United Kingdom takes place within the framework of a constitutionalmonarchy, in which the monarch is the ......... and the prime minister is the ............ a. head of the UK government..... head of the UK government. b. head of state ..... head of the UK government. c. head of state .....head of state. d. head of the UK government ..... head of state 45 / 70 as. A/An .... is a person who does something that is not legal. a. law-abiding citizen b. lawman c. lawbreaker d. law 46 / 70 at. … … legal advice? a. Does Tom need b. Tom needs c. Needs Tom d. Do Tom needs 47 / 70 au. As soon as the jury .................. the verdict, the case was dismissed. a. pronounces b. has pronounced c. pronounce d. had pronounced 48 / 70 av. Jimmy’s solicitor will be surprised when he … you here. a. will see b. sees c. see 49 / 70 aw. A …………… is a document under seal, issued in the name of the Crown or a court, commanding the person to whom it is addressed to do or refrain from doing some specified act. a. writ b. regulation c. law 50 / 70 ax. Complicity often ............ the accomplice in words or deeds prior to the principal’s crime. a. involves b. involve c. is involving d. involving 51 / 70 ay. The judge ......... a sentence of ten years’ imprisonment at this moment. a. pronouncing b. pronounce c. is pronouncing d. pronounces 52 / 70 az. English statutes … … officially codified. a. has never been b. have never been c. never been 53 / 70 ba. When … … the defendant’s lawyer? a. met the juror b. did the juror meet c. did the juror met d. the juror met 54 / 70 bb. There … … no written English constitution. a. be b. is being c. is d. is been 55 / 70 bc. While the people ......................... for the verdict, the judge was talking to the defendantabout the weather. a. are waiting b. were waiting c. waiting d. wait 56 / 70 bd. He admitted to being a ............... as he violated the law a. lawbreaker b. lawful c. unlawful d. law-abiding person 57 / 70 be. Kent Police are working closely with the FBI and other ... agencies. a. law enforcement b. enforcement law c. law of enforcement 58 / 70 bf. Their ....... told them that they couldn’t use the park for the concert without permission from the city. a. lawyer b. lawier c. lawyor d. lawyr 59 / 70 bg. The US Executive Branch is responsible for ...... . a. interpreting and applying US laws through cases brought before them. b. making the federal laws. c. executing, enforcing, and administering the laws. 60 / 70 bh. The US Judicial Branch is responsible for ...... . a. making the federal laws. b. executing, enforcing, and administering the laws c. interpreting and applying US laws through cases brought before them 61 / 70 bi. This research guide … … only to the law of England and Wales. a. applys b. applies c. apply 62 / 70 bj. Civil law … … with disputes between individuals or organisations. a. deals b. is dealing c. deal 63 / 70 bk. Judge Thomson ……… today as judge Beanies has been taken ill. a. is presided b. presided c. is presiding d. presides 64 / 70 bl. The defendant .... in Bucharest since he was born. a. lives b. will live c. have lived d. has lived 65 / 70 bm. If he .............. his crime, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment. a. does not confess b. not confesses c. confess d. will confess 66 / 70 bn. He ....................... down a street near his home when he was kidnapped. a. will be walking b. is walking c. was walking d. walks 67 / 70 bo. They ............ him of murder tomorrow. a. will be accused b. will accused c. was accused d. will accuse 68 / 70 bp. He ................... a solicitor for more than a year now a. had been b. is c. was d. has been 69 / 70 bq. He ............... with trespassing and taken into custody. a. has been charged b. have been charged c. been charged 70 / 70 br. The globalisation of the legal profession … … lawyers throughout the world are increasingly required to practise law in English. a. is meaning b. means c. mean Your score isThe average score is 92% 0% Restart quiz 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 26 Created on noiembrie 01, 2023 By cobaltgraphics Drept - Engleza - An I - Sem I - Partial I Intrebari de tip grila cu raspunsuri simple pentru a verifica cunostintele la Engleza. 1 / 16 a. ............ the jury .................. a verdict? a. Has ... reach b. - ... reached c. Have ... reach d. Has ... reached 2 / 16 b. He ................... a solicitor for more than a year now a. had been b. has been c. was d. is 3 / 16 c. If he .............. his crime, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment. a. will confess b. not confesses c. confess d. does not confess 4 / 16 d. He admitted to being a ............... as he violated the law a. law-abiding person b. lawful c. lawbreaker d. unlawful 5 / 16 e. If this lawyer …… the bus, she will be late for the conference. a. will miss b. miss c. misses d. will misses 6 / 16 f. Complicity often ............ the accomplice in words or deeds prior to the principal’s crime. a. involve b. involving c. is involving d. involves 7 / 16 g. Everybody wondered why he ................. caught red-handed before. a. isn’t b. hadn’t been c. hasn’t been d. wouldn’t be 8 / 16 h. Courts exist to uphold, interpret, and apply the ................ a. law b. legality c. lawfulness d. legalese 9 / 16 i. When … … the defendant’s lawyer? a. the juror met b. did the juror meet c. did the juror met d. met the juror 10 / 16 j. The leader of the gang ...... just ............ acquitted by the court of justice. a. was...been b. has...been c. have...been 11 / 16 k. English statutes … … officially codified. a. have never been b. has never been c. never been 12 / 16 l. A/An ........ always obeys the law and is considered to be good and honest because of this. a. lawbreaker b. thief c. outlaw d. law-abiding person 13 / 16 m. One of the kidnappers ................ to kill him while they were driving away. a. threatens b. threatened c. is threatening 14 / 16 n. In the USA, there are two types of court, ……………… , with each state having itsown distinctive laws, courts and prisons. a. state b. state, private and federal c. state and federal d. federal 15 / 16 o. ...... His Honour Judge Patrick Faud QC … as a Circuit Judge on 15 August 2011? a. Retired... - b. Did ... retire c. Did ... retired 16 / 16 p. The witnesses were still being heard when I ............. the court of law. a. leave b. left c. had left d. leaved Your score isThe average score is 93% 0% Restart quiz