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Insight jun17 featured

Drept - Engleza - An I - Sem II - Partial II - Toate 89

Intrebari de tip grila cu raspunsuri simple pentru a verifica cunostintele la Engleza. Toate 89.

1 / 90

a. It’s only the first time I ........ Diana’s lawyer, but I feel as if we’re already friends.

2 / 90

b. The police arrested the person who ... to have committed the crime.

3 / 90

c. I would rather spend the rest of my life in jail than confess to a crime I ...... .

4 / 90

d. What is the name of the UK court that deals with less serious crimes, such as theft, traffic offenses, minor assault?

5 / 90

e. A ... is a person who enters a building illegally, especially by force, in order to steal

6 / 90

f. Police are still busy hunting for clues at the ...... of the crime.

7 / 90

g. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ... you.

8 / 90

h. The police are investigating the matter, and he may face ... charges.

9 / 90

i. United States marshals and their deputies may carry firearms and may make arrests without warrant for any ... against the United States committed in their presence.

10 / 90

j. The defendant is ... of a range of crimes, from theft to murder.

11 / 90

k. While the people ......................... for the verdict, the judge was talking to the defendant about the weather.

12 / 90

l. He ........... to 100 hours of community work only because he was at his first offence.

13 / 90

m. U.S. ... are federal law enforcement professionals serving the USMS.

14 / 90

n. In a trial in a criminal court ....................... puts the case and calls the evidence against the defendant.

15 / 90

o. The defendant .............. in London since he was born.

16 / 90

p. It’s been a manic mid-summer in Delhi as a ..... wave has overwhelmed the city.

17 / 90

q. ........... crimes are crimes that were begun, but not completed by the suspect.

18 / 90

r. This man has ............ a terrible crime.

19 / 90

s. The Minister is the person who is liable to sue and be sued under the ........................... of that statute.

20 / 90

t. England, Canada, and the United States are based on a civil law system.

21 / 90

u. The police have to ................... the law, not to take it into their own hands.

22 / 90

v. His sentence was by far more severe than everybody ................................................. .

23 / 90

w. One of the situations most likely to result in a ............ of law and order is the gathering of a number of people, commonly called in law "an assembly".

24 / 90

x. Enforcement of the civil law is the responsibility of the individual who has been wronged; the
state’s role is to provide the procedure and the courts necessary to resolve the dispute.

25 / 90

y. I saw you yesterday, while you ................... that famous criminal.

26 / 90

z. Criminal law involves prosecution by the government of a person for an act that has been classified as a crime.

27 / 90

aa. Crimes such as vandalism, car crime and ................ are an everyday occurrence in Boldtown.

28 / 90

ab. There … … no written English constitution.

29 / 90

ac. ............ the jury .................. a verdict?

30 / 90

ad. ...... His Honour Judge Patrick Faud QC … as a Circuit Judge on 15 August 2011?

31 / 90

ae. Choose the crime that does NOT involve stealing:

32 / 90

af. n the sentence "If you ask me, petty crime should be taken more seriously; someone who gets away with shoplifting one day could be committing armed robbery before you know it.", 'petty crime' is:

33 / 90

ag. In criminal law, the .............. is the main perpetrator (organizer and active committer) of a crime, as distinguished from an "accessory" who helps him/her in some fashion.

34 / 90

ah. By the time you reach the Court, he ........................... released on bail.

35 / 90

ai. Two women-diplomats ......... of perjury.

36 / 90

aj. As soon as the jury .................. the verdict, the case was dismissed.

37 / 90

ak. English statutes … … officially codified.

38 / 90

al. Experts cannot agree on the causes of ... behaviour.

39 / 90

am. The jurors agreed it was a fair decision.

40 / 90

an. In July 1866, the Constitution of Romania, based on the model of the Belgian one, ... .

41 / 90

ao. In civil proceedings a claimant sues a defendant in the civil courts.

42 / 90

ap. A person who mugs people is a ....

43 / 90

aq. Look out! One of the robbers .......................... .

44 / 90

ar. When the Sunday Trading Act ............. law in 1994 there was protection for those who didn't want to work on Sundays.

45 / 90

as. The police arrested the person who ... to have committed the crime.

46 / 90

at. Last night the police received information that a crime ... near London Bridge.

47 / 90

au. English cases ............. on the web.

48 / 90

av. He ... of murder tomorrow.

49 / 90

aw. The defendant was also accused of false book-keeping, tax evasion and ....... negligence.

50 / 90

ax. A ......... crime is a non-violent crime where the primary motive is typically financial in nature

51 / 90

ay. I was ....... when I was on holiday once; two men pushed me against a wall and took all my money.

52 / 90

az. The leader of the gang ...... just ............ acquitted by the court of justice.

53 / 90

ba. He ................... a solicitor for more than a year now.

54 / 90

bb. When … … the defendant’s lawyer?

55 / 90

bc. The decision is important as it could ........... a legal precedent for other similar cases.

56 / 90

bd. Everything happened exactly as Tom’s lawyer had anticipated.

57 / 90

be. People drive a lot worse after they ........... alcohol.

58 / 90

bf. The crime of taking things from other people’s pockets is called ...

59 / 90

bg. .... criminals are usually individuals who are wealthy, highly educated, and socially connected, who secretly steal money from the organization they work for.

60 / 90

bh. Latin … … the language of legal documents in England after 1066.

61 / 90

bi. He ............... with trespassing and taken into custody.

62 / 90

bj. ‘To be liable for punishment’ means:

63 / 90

bk. I ....................... my solicitor tomorrow; I am changing my will.

64 / 90

bl. Every individual has rights that must never ... .

65 / 90

bm. Everybody wondered why he ................. caught red-handed before.

66 / 90

bn. Last Monday I ... a speeding ticket by the police officer.

67 / 90

bo. He ....................... down a street near his home when he was kidnapped.

68 / 90

bp. A criminal ... is a known, official record of having been arrested in the past for committing a crime.

69 / 90

bq. Choose the crime that is NOT a violent crime:

70 / 90

br. ............................ to represent yourself in the trial?

71 / 90

bs. A(n) ... is someone who has been injured, damaged or killed or has suffered, either because

of the actions of someone else or because of illness or chance.

72 / 90

bt. It is the third time he ……………. the law.

73 / 90

bu. Right now I think I am ....................... . Come and pick me up!

74 / 90

bv. There have been several ......... in the area recently, so you should improve your home security.

75 / 90

bw. In the USA, there are two types of court, .................. , with each state having its own distinctive laws, courts and prisons.

76 / 90

bx. Someone who commits war crimes is called a ... criminal.

77 / 90

by. Every individual has rights that must never ... .

78 / 90

bz. A photofit picture of the wanted man ....................... last week.

79 / 90

ca. Civil law deals with the private rights and obligations which arise between individuals.

80 / 90

cb. One of the kidnappers ................ to kill him while they were driving away.

81 / 90

cc. Who ............. responsible for the journalist’s death?

82 / 90

cd. The police said there was no sign of a forced entry even though the house ...........

83 / 90

ce. For any offense against the United States, the ... may be arrested and imprisoned.

84 / 90

cf. When the police take someone to the police station for questioning, the person has been ....

85 / 90

cg. The ............. is accused of a range of crimes, from theft to murder.

86 / 90

ch. In the legal phrase "to provide an appropriate penalty for each offense", penalty means:

87 / 90

ci. ............... is the body of law based on judicial decisions and customs,

88 / 90

cj. The witnesses were still being heard when I ............. the court of law.

89 / 90

ck. A ... is a person who steals money, etc. from other people’s pockets, especially in crowded places.

90 / 90

cl. How long ago ................ an appeal?

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The average score is 88%


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Drept - Engleza - An I - Sem I - Partial I - Toate 70

Intrebari de tip grila cu raspunsuri simple pentru a verifica cunostintele la Engleza. Toate 70

1 / 70

a. The witnesses were still being heard when I ............. the court of law.

2 / 70

b. In Scotland, the sheriff ……………. most types of crimes.

3 / 70

c. The judge asked, ‘How … … to your office?’

4 / 70

d. How many houses ... ... ... in the UK?

5 / 70

e. One of the kidnappers ................ to kill him while they were driving away.

6 / 70

f. Circuit judges usually … … quite near their courts.

7 / 70

g. ............ the jury .................. a verdict?

8 / 70

h. This guide … … information on European Community law.

9 / 70

i. Last Monday a police officer ............ me a speeding ticket.

10 / 70

j. The members of the jury ....... now ................... on the murder case

11 / 70

k. The barrister will see you as soon as he ........ out of the meeting.

12 / 70

l. If this lawyer …… the bus, she will be late for the conference.

13 / 70

m. His sentence was by far more severe than everybody ................................................. .

14 / 70

n. Everybody wondered why he ................. caught red-handed before.

15 / 70

o. It’s only the first time I ........ Tom’s solicitor, but I feel as if we’re already friends.

16 / 70

p. The policeman said, ‘I … you now.’

17 / 70

q. If someone is above the law, they ...

18 / 70

r. The U.S. Attorney’s office in Rhode Island .......... he has agreed to plead guilty to
nine counts of bank robbery.

19 / 70

s. The US Legislative Branch consists of the Congress which is responsible for ...... .

20 / 70

t. The coroner .......................... the case right now.

21 / 70

u. Even though judges work for the government, they are not law ... officers.

22 / 70

v. The leader of the gang ...... just ............ acquitted by the court of justice.

23 / 70

w. In the USA, there are two types of court, ……………… , with each state having its
own distinctive laws, courts and prisons.

24 / 70

x. We ............. English cases on the web.

25 / 70

y. Tom’s secretary often … files home at the weekend

26 / 70

z. A/An ........ always obeys the law and is considered to be good and honest because of this.

27 / 70

aa. I ....................... my solicitor tomorrow; I am changing my will.

28 / 70

ab. It is the third time he ……………. the law.

29 / 70

ac. After ten hours, the Jury finally reached its …………….: the prisoner was guilty.

30 / 70

ad. When ................ an appeal?

31 / 70

ae. The homeowner filed a .................... against the moving company that was refusing to be held
responsible for damaging her furniture.

32 / 70

af. I saw you yesterday, while you ................... that famous criminal.

33 / 70

ag. Once the jury .................. the verdict, the case will be dismissed

34 / 70

ah. ...... His Honour Judge Patrick Faud QC … as a Circuit Judge on 15 August 2011?

35 / 70

ai. My lawyer has gone to London for a week, so I ........ some of his work for him.

36 / 70

aj. Courts exist to uphold, interpret, and apply the ................

37 / 70

ak. Hunting is a/an ............ activity only if you have the proper license.

38 / 70

al. People drive a lot worse after they ........... alcohol.

39 / 70

am. Find me a good lawyer! I ......... risk spending the rest of my life in jail.

40 / 70

an. As soon as I .............. from my barrister, I will let you know.

41 / 70

ao. Terrorists ..... to violence as a political weapon

42 / 70

ap. This man has ………… a terrible crime.

43 / 70

aq. The analogous Westlaw database … … English reports from 1865 to the present.

44 / 70

ar. Politics in the United Kingdom takes place within the framework of a constitutional
monarchy, in which the monarch is the ......... and the prime minister is the ............

45 / 70

as. A/An .... is a person who does something that is not legal.

46 / 70

at. … … legal advice?

47 / 70

au. As soon as the jury .................. the verdict, the case was dismissed.

48 / 70

av. Jimmy’s solicitor will be surprised when he … you here.

49 / 70

aw. A …………… is a document under seal, issued in the name of the Crown or a court, commanding the person to whom it is addressed to do or refrain from doing some specified act.

50 / 70

ax. Complicity often ............ the accomplice in words or deeds prior to the principal’s crime.

51 / 70

ay. The judge ......... a sentence of ten years’ imprisonment at this moment.

52 / 70

az. English statutes … … officially codified.

53 / 70

ba. When … … the defendant’s lawyer?

54 / 70

bb. There … … no written English constitution.

55 / 70

bc. While the people ......................... for the verdict, the judge was talking to the defendant
about the weather.

56 / 70

bd. He admitted to being a ............... as he violated the law

57 / 70

be. Kent Police are working closely with the FBI and other ... agencies.

58 / 70

bf. Their ....... told them that they couldn’t use the park for the concert without permission from the city.

59 / 70

bg. The US Executive Branch is responsible for ...... .

60 / 70

bh. The US Judicial Branch is responsible for ...... .

61 / 70

bi. This research guide … … only to the law of England and Wales.

62 / 70

bj. Civil law … … with disputes between individuals or organisations.

63 / 70

bk. Judge Thomson ……… today as judge Beanies has been taken ill.

64 / 70

bl. The defendant .... in Bucharest since he was born.

65 / 70

bm. If he .............. his crime, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

66 / 70

bn. He ....................... down a street near his home when he was kidnapped.

67 / 70

bo. They ............ him of murder tomorrow.

68 / 70

bp. He ................... a solicitor for more than a year now

69 / 70

bq. He ............... with trespassing and taken into custody.

70 / 70

br. The globalisation of the legal profession … … lawyers throughout the world are increasingly required to practise law in English.

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The average score is 92%


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Drept - Engleza - An I - Sem I - Partial I

Intrebari de tip grila cu raspunsuri simple pentru a verifica cunostintele la Engleza.

1 / 16

a. ............ the jury .................. a verdict?

2 / 16

b. He ................... a solicitor for more than a year now

3 / 16

c. If he .............. his crime, he will be sentenced to life imprisonment.

4 / 16

d. He admitted to being a ............... as he violated the law

5 / 16

e. If this lawyer …… the bus, she will be late for the conference.

6 / 16

f. Complicity often ............ the accomplice in words or deeds prior to the principal’s crime.

7 / 16

g. Everybody wondered why he ................. caught red-handed before.

8 / 16

h. Courts exist to uphold, interpret, and apply the ................

9 / 16

i. When … … the defendant’s lawyer?

10 / 16

j. The leader of the gang ...... just ............ acquitted by the court of justice.

11 / 16

k. English statutes … … officially codified.

12 / 16

l. A/An ........ always obeys the law and is considered to be good and honest because of this.

13 / 16

m. One of the kidnappers ................ to kill him while they were driving away.

14 / 16

n. In the USA, there are two types of court, ……………… , with each state having its
own distinctive laws, courts and prisons.

15 / 16

o. ...... His Honour Judge Patrick Faud QC … as a Circuit Judge on 15 August 2011?

16 / 16

p. The witnesses were still being heard when I ............. the court of law.

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The average score is 93%
